They force the Beast-X Blade through Evox’s chest as Morph-X flows through their bodies, flowing to the blade and into Evox. Wrench would then fight the Pink Dino Charge Ranger but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. Played By: Kevin Copeland According to Nate, Roxy and Blaze's avatars are entirely linked with their hu… Sledge is resurrected by Scrozzle using Ryjack’s Reanimizer on his blaster. Goldar is resurrected as Goldar Maximus after Scrozzle uses Ryjack’s Reanimizer on his sword and powered up by using diamonds. Evox would then take control of its main computer system and create Dark Avatars of the original Red Ranger & Yellow Ranger candidates, Blaze & Roxy. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The Rangers. Roxy would also install a virus into her human counterparts stasis pod in order to distract the Beast Morphers Rangers while she’s busy enacting Evox’s final plans. Voiced By: Liana Ramirez He then turns on Scrozzle, which in turn makes Scrozzle hide with the Fury Cells in the Cyber Dimension. Power Rangers Central. Poisandra is resurrected by Scrozzle using Ryjack’s Reanimizer on her heart scythe. Home; Database; Episode Guide; Cast & Crew; Toys; Message Board; Home > Villains Ryjack is an intergalactic criminal that travels to Earth in order to obtain all the legendary relics in Nate’s Ranger Vault. Voiced By: Andrew Laing The Putty Patrollers are warriors made of clay that are summoned from a device called a Reanimizer. Venjixis a computer virus that turned on humanity and conquered the world & is the main antagonist ofPower Rangers RPM & Power Rangers Beast Morphers[2]. However, this plan fails after the robotic body made for him becomes Steel, the Silver Beast Morphers Ranger. Fury would then fight the Gold Dino Charge Ranger but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. Power Rangers Beast Morphers (2019-2020) When scientists convert the power of the Morphing Grid into Morph-X, a group of teens are infused with animal DNA to become the Power Rangers Beast Morphers and protect the Morph-X from any villains who may try to steal it. He served as a general to Evox in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.   Gorilla Art Blaze is seen when evil Roxy sabotages Roxy's pod, just before she alo… Due to Steel having human DNA embedded in him, Evox would be unable to download himself into his body. However, after Vargoyle arrives on the scene, Blaze attempts to regain Evox’s favor by obtaining Mega Transporters from Grid Battleforce and succeeds at this task while getting rid of Vargoyle by talking Scrozzle into depowering him. Admiral Malkor. Sledge is then ordered to obtain the Energems for Evox and his crew is also revived to assist him. Due to her being a robot clone, Robo Roxy can be resurrected if she is destroyed and is multiple times. Ackshun. - Movie (2017); Beast Morphers Robo Roxy – Samurai / Super Samurai – Social Media, XX-XXI. Venjix Virus Voiced By: Kevin Keys Robo Roxy would later be tasked with destroying a Beast Morphers Ranger by Evox and chooses Ravi as her target. Vargoyle would later be revived by Ryjack’s Reanimizer to assist Ryjack in obtaining Morph-X for Evox. He waited years for Nate to energize the Morph-X Towers so he could harness the Morphin’ Grid. Blaze is a Dark Avatar created by Evox from the original Red Beast Morphers Ranger candidate, Blaze who has the ability to transform into an evil version of the Red Beast Morphers Ranger. Played By: Liana Ramirez However, Vargoyle is offered the upgrade instead and attempts to regain Evox’s favor by obtaining Mega Transporters from Grid Battleforce and succeeds at this task while getting rid of Vargoyle by talking Scrozzle into depowering him. Dumbelltron is revived by Evox to fight the Beast Morphers Rangers while he attempts to fuse with a Morph-X Tower but is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger & Gold Beast Morphers Ranger. Evox with the full power of the Venjix virus. Evox’s next plan would have him teaming up with the galactic criminal, Ryjack to obtain Morph-X so that he could regain his strength. Evox would be separated from Mayor Daniels after Devon uses the Dino Charge Ranger’s Split Emitters on him. Fury. Roxy is calm and collective compared to Blaze, often calming him down when he gets called out by Scrozzle. Played By: Colby Strong Sledge is destroyed by a charged energy stream blast from Goldar Maximus. Ryjack is the first monster to use regular Putty Patrollers since Commander Crayfish in the episode Mighty Morphin' Mutants, and the first to use Vivix since Badussa from the episode The Rangers Rock!. He gains the upper hand but is de-powered by Scrozzle after Blaze & Roxy talk him into it and is destroyed by a blast by the Red Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast X Cannon. Venjix (Season 2) Venjix/Evox Virus. Hydro Hog is the Alien Rangers' arch enemy. Voiced By: Andrew Laing Neo Saban Era – Official Ranger Social Media, XVIII-XIX. Digital Deception Blaze is seen again when Ravi draws Roxy, before Smash surprises him. Robo Roxy’s new form would destroy Scrozzle’s Robot Maker, inevitably making this life her last. Snide would later be apart of an army sent to the Dino Charge Dimension to steal the Energems so that Evox could create the Chimerazord. Blaze has a short temper, often blowing up when his plans fail or when he gets called out by Scrozzle. Vargoyle eventually finds Scrozzle and is offered a place in Evox’s Crew in return for an upgrade containing the Beast Morphers Rangers abilities. Due to Steel having human DNA embedded in him, Evox would be unable to download himself into his body. Triptoids Vargoyle is a robotic creature created by Scrozzle that became pure evil after he uses the Fury Cells to power up. He attempts regain Evox’s favor by secretly stealing Evox’s Morph-X to gain a heightened boost in power, being able to easily take on the Beast Morphers Rangers in battle himself. The two spent a great amount of time arguing, lost in the tunnels below but managed to find the Command Center and stole the Zeo Crystal before activating their bomb, destroying it. Evox infiltrates the Grid Battleforce's computer networks, infecting the system after flowing into one of the lab's main computers. Power Rangers Beast Morphers is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon.It is the 2019 entry in the Power Rangers franchise and serves as a direct continuation of Power Rangers RPM.The show follows Devon Daniels, Ravi Shaw, Zoey Reeves, Nate Silva, and Steel as they are recruited by Grid Battleforce to defend the Morphin Grid from Evox. They would be used by the intergalactic criminal, Ryjack and would later be used by Evox’s Crew after Scrozzle steals his Reanimizer. Sledge is then ordered to obtain the Energems for Evox and his crew is also revived to assist him. Vargoyle/Vargoyle 2.0 Wrench would later assist Poisandra & Curio in fighting the Beast Morphers Rangers after they plotted to steal some diamonds but is destroyed by a combined blast from the Beast Morphers Rangers. Evox would eventually return to full power after charging himself with enough Morph-X and pilots the Omegadrone in order to trick the Beast Morphers Rangers into trapping him inside Grid Battleforce Headquarters. Evox as Mayor Daniels would begin a Global Campaign for worldwide Morph-X Distribution to enact his plans of taking over the Morphin’ Grid. Curio would later attempt to steal diamonds from a jewelry warehouse with Poisandra. Once a Red Ranger, always a Red Ranger. Power Rangers, since 2004 ... Villains; Zords; Beast Morphers. Voiced By: Liana Ramirez Ranger Select: Featuring Power Rangers images, information, episode summaries, videos, merchandise and more! Ancient Master Org. She is ambushed by Ravi however and is destroyed by him after he crushes her Evox Morpher. 1 Power Rangers Beast Morphers Logo 2 Evox Avatar Rangers 3 Evox Robo Rangers 4 Avatar Rangers 5 Robo Rangers 6 Beast Morphers Rangers Avatar and Robo Names Photos 7 Villains 8 Evox Weapons 9 Evox Gear Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Evox - Sentient computer virus and king cobra hologram. Snide would later fight the Dino Rangers but is destroyed by a blast from the Z-Rex Blaster. The Vivix are amoeba-like creatures that are that are summoned from a device called a Reanimizer. Rangers; Arsenal; Monsters; Villains; Zords; Episode Guide. Site was Launched: 06/29/2018! Snide would later escort Scrozzle to trade Ryjack’s villain relics for Keeper. She is ambushed by Ravi however and is destroyed by him after he crushes her Evox Morpher. Goldar and Rito were sent to the Command Center to destroy it with an implosion generator. Ryjack When a returning Ziggy and a wandering Dillon attempt to return to Corinth, it attempts to destroy them through his barricades. The Rangers must fight off an evil sentient computer virus named Evox bent on taking over the source of all Ranger power, the Morphin Grid itself. Evox would survive the Morph-X Tower explosion in the Cyber Dimension by downloading himself into Mayor Daniels, eventually possessing his body. It wouldn’t be enough however and she is destroyed for good by the Beast X King Ultrazord. Devon Daniels, who sneaked into the lab to see their battle simulator and was hiding near the tank, sees this. He gains the upper hand but is de-powered by Scrozzle after Blaze & Roxy talk him into it and is destroyed by a blast by the Red Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast X Cannon. Evox was there when Nate was trying to power old Ranger Morphers with Morph-X and Snake DNA. Evox absorbs a Beast-X Saber as he is now immune to all their Grid Battleforce Ranger weapons. Evox and his crew would then be teleported to the Cyber Dimension, where he would be trapped in until he obtains enough Morph-X to power up a teleporter to return him to Earth. During Evox’s final battle against the Beast Morphers Rangers, Scrozzle would hide in the sewers of Corinth for a year and is found by Ben & Betty and imprisoned in Grid Battleforce Headquarters. Instead, they bombed the barricade with a thermo charger and destroyed part of it. Robo Roxy would upgrade her armor after using Nate’s DNA Scanner in Scrozzle’s Robot Maker to add plant-like weaponry to her arms. Curio would later attempt to steal diamonds from a jewelry warehouse with Poisandra. Angelcon. Blaze would later capture Devon after defeating him battle and would later fight him one of one in his personal zord after he is rescued by his teammates. Robo Roxy has the ability to transform into a violet colored version of her original robotic armor. The Venjix Virus is a sentient computer virus created by Doctor K that nearly succeeded in taking over Earth in the RPM Dimension. Venjix’s First Appearance: Episode 1 of Power Rangers RPM Putty Patrollers Featuring never-before-seen leather suits and an all-new beast-themed arsenal (including dynamic new Zords), fans should get ready for a season full of secret ops and morphinominal fun.” However, they go back on this deal and fights the Dino Charge Rangers himself but retreats when the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. Snide Poisandra is resurrected by Scrozzle using Ryjack’s Reanimizer on her heart scythe. He is ambushed however by the Red Beast Morphers Ranger, who fights him one-on-one. The Rangers arrive in the Beast-X King Ultrazord but the Ultrazord is easily taken down. that manipulate factories all over the world to create an army of robots to take over the world. Voiced By: Campbell Cooley Andros uncovers his plan and the remnants of the machine empire and warns Tommy. He would also use this new persona to develop the Beast X King Zord for his own nefarious purposes. He is destroyed however when his personal zord is destroyed by a slash by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode. Voiced By: Campbell Cooley 2 "Finders Keepers": Beast Morphers … Vargoyle then steals designs for a Memory Pulsator designed by Blaze & Roxy and placed it at Channel 10 News Station in order to alter the Beast Morphers Rangers memories so that Blaze & Roxy could enter Grid Battleforce Headquarters to steal Mega Transporters to use to enact Evox’s final plan. Seasons 01 – 10. The Ranger Series Operators are able to defeat Venjix, but unbeknownst to them, a copy of the Venjix Virus would lay dormant in Scott’s Cell Shift Morpher. Evox’s first attempt to return to Earth was to activate a Cybergate, built from technology stolen from Grid Battleforce and download himself into a robotic body built by Nate Silva. They would be used by the intergalactic criminal, Ryjack and, The Vivix are amoeba-like creatures that are that are summoned from a device called a Reanimizer. They remember Evox’s weakness is human DNA so they redirect Morph-X energy through their bodies to infuse their attacks with human DNA. Curio would then fight the Black Dino Charge Ranger but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. However, Ravi & Steel arrives on the scene and he is destroyed by a blast from the Blue Beast Morphers Ranger Beast X Cannon. The Putty Patrollers are warriors made of clay that are summoned from a device called a Reanimizer. Their morphing scene went down in Power Rangers history. Venjix would also gain the ability to create Robotrons from his own being and gains an immunity to the Beast Morphers Ranger’s weapons after absorbing their data. However, it is revealed to be a trap and she is destroyed by a combined blast from the Beast Morphers Rangers. Evox would then take control of its main computer system and create Dark Avatars of the original Red Ranger & Yellow Ranger candidates, Blaze & Roxy. Tubatron 2.0 is shown to be too powerful for the Beast Morphers Rangers in their first fight but after the Red Beast Morphers Ranger uses a Fury Cell to power-up himself, he is destroyed by a slash from the Cheetah Claws in Red Fury Mode. He is also the archenemy of Devon Daniels, the Red Beast Morphers Ranger. All rights reserved. Tronics Poisandra would then fight the Green Dino Charge Ranger but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. It refers to the virus, thenetwork(of villains) & the sentient entity. After Robo Roxy gains new powers from Nate’s DNA Scanner, Robo Blaze would fail out of favor with Evox. Tubatron is recreated by Blaze and given a Fury Cell to power-up enough to destroy the Beast Morphers Rangers. but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. • Rorrie D. Travis as Devon Daniels, the Red Beast Morpher Ranger. Voiced By: Estevez Gillespie Evox would survive the Morph-X Tower explosion in the Cyber Dimension by downloading himself into Mayor Daniels, eventually possessing his body. Wrench would later assist Poisandra & Curio in fighting the Beast Morphers Rangers after they plotted to steal some diamonds but is destroyed by a combined blast from the Beast Morphers Rangers. Blaze was a karate teacher at Riptide Gym, where he and Devon get into a fight. During Evox’s final battle against the Beast Morphers Rangers, Scrozzle would hide in the sewers of Corinth for a year and is found by Ben & Betty and imprisoned in Grid Battleforce Headquarters. He was meant to be the Red Ranger, but as the morph was about to happen, Evox, a computer virus, made an evil copy of him and Roxy. Evox and his crew would then be teleported to the Cyber Dimension, where he would be trapped in until he obtains enough Morph-X to power up a teleporter to return him to Earth. After downloading himself into a mobile form, Evox would grow giant sized and nearly succeeded in teleporting to Earth. Voiced By: Jamie Linehan However, after Vargoyle arrives on the scene, Blaze attempts to regain Evox’s favor by obtaining Mega Transporters from Grid Battleforce and succeeds at this task while getting rid of Vargoyle by talking Scrozzle into depowering him. Unknown Gigadrone. Following the announcement on February 16, 2018, that Hasbro will be taking over Bandai America as the master toy licensee for Power Rangers from 2019 onwards, Power Rangers Beast Morphers was announced during Hasbro's panel for the New York Toy Fair 2018.On May 1, 2018, it was announced that Hasbro had purchased the Power Rangers franchise outright from Saban, making Beast Morphers the first Hasbro-era season. The Tronics are purple robotic warriors created by Scrozzle that are used by Evox as footsoldiers. Played By: Liana Ramirez She would later use her new form to take on the Beast Morphers Rangers and gives them a good thrashing before growing giant sized, gaining even more power. Robo Blaze would later be tasked with uploading access codes into a Morph-X Tower so that Venjix could gain access to the global system but is stopped by the Beast Morphers Rangers and is destroyed by an arrow containing an anti virus for the Venjix Virus developed by Nate & Doctor K. Roxy (Dark Avatar) Voiced By: Jackie Clarke Scrozzle would commandeer Ryjack’s Reanimizer to revive various villains to assist Evox in creating the Chimerazord. Power Rangers Central. Scrozzle would later come back on Christmas to trap the Beast Morphers Rangers in Christmas Ornaments and would later piloted Infernodrone to destroy Coral Harbor and is presumably destroyed after Infernodrone is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode. He would team up with Evox to aid him in his plans and use his Reanimizer to bring back Vargoyle and an army of Putty Patrollers & Vivix. Fury is resurrected by Scrozzle using Ryjack’s Reanimizer on his sword. XXVI. He is a supporting antagonist in Power Rangers: Beast Morphers and is the first of Evox's evil rangers, as well as the first of Evox's generals to appear in the show. With training and assessment, Roxy was chosen to be the Yellow Ranger until Evox attacked Grid Battleforce and created her evil avatar. However, his new body is destroyed by the ricochet of a blown up Morph-X Tower. Evox would later be found out after an alteration with Robo Roxy where Grid Battleforce volunteers to be Mayor Daniel’s bodyguards. Robo Blaze is a robot clone created by Scrozzle from a DNA Scan of the real Blaze. Played By: Colby Strong Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. He would later use Ryjack’s Reanimizer to revive various villains to assist him in his plan to create an evil zord known as the Chimerazord. Hydro Hog was destroyed by the Alien Rangers. All of Nate’s efforts failed until he tried the Cell Shift Morpher. Voiced By: Paul Harrop Poisandra, Fury, Wrench and Curio are destroyed by Red Ranger using the Beast-X Ultra Cannon, Blue and Yellow Rangers using Beast-X Cannons, and Gold and Silver Rangers using Striker Morphers. Curio would then fight the Black Dino Charge Ranger but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. The Venjix Virus is a sentient computer virus created by Doctor K that nearly succeeded in taking over Earth in the RPM Dimension. After laying dormant in Grid Battleforce’s computer systems for years, Evox would finally strike on the day the Morph-X Tower System would be activated. Goldar is resurrected as Goldar Maximus after Scrozzle uses Ryjack’s Reanimizer on his sword and powered up by using diamonds. She and Blaze were both put into comas and into a deep sleep. The sky goes dark. Info: Evox hacks into Grid Battleforce’s computer systems and absorbs data, including the access codes for the Morph-X Towers, then accesses the Ranger Vault and retrieves Scott Truman’s Cell Shift Morpher (from RPM). Fury However, it is revealed that Scrozzle survived this altercation and has resumed his place as Evox’s second-in-command and later builds Robo-Blaze & Robo-Roxy to serve Evox as generals. Voiced By: Randall Ewing They would be used by the intergalactic criminal, Ryjack and, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Jason Lee Scott, Mighty Morphin Red Ranger I, Zack Taylor, Mighty Morphin Black Ranger I, Billy Cranston, Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger, Trini Kwan, Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger I, Kimberly Ann Hart, Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger I, Tommy Oliver, Mighty Morphin Green Ranger, Tommy Oliver, Mighty Morphin White Ranger, Rocky DeSantos, Mighty Morphin Red Ranger II, Adam Park, Mighty Morphin Black Ranger II, Aisha Campbell, Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger II, Katherine Hillard, Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger II, Theodore Jay “T.J.” Jarvis Johnson, Red Turbo Ranger II, Theodore Jay “T.J.” Jarvis Johnson, Blue Space Ranger, Taylor Earhardt, Yellow Wild Force Ranger, Waldo “Dustin” Brooks, Yellow Wind Ranger, Cameron “Cam” Watanabe, Green Samurai Ranger, Trent Fernandez-Mercer, White Dino Ranger, Charlie “Chip” Thorn, Yellow Mystic Ranger, Mackenzie “Mack” Hartford, Red Overdrive Ranger, Veronica “Ronny” Robinson, Yellow Overdrive Ranger, Flynn McAllister, Ranger Operator Series Blue, Summer Landsdown, Ranger Operator Series Yellow, Ziggy Grover, Ranger Operator Series Green, Jake Holling, Green Super Megaforce Ranger, Emma Goodall, Pink Super Megaforce Ranger, XXII-XXIII. Scrozzle is the ruler of the Cyber Dimension that swears his loyalty to Evox once he, Blaze & Roxy are teleported to his kingdom. Evox heads for Tower One and recreates Bulldozertron, Dumbbelltron, Infernotron and Cycletron from his body. Magnotron is a magnet-themed monster in Power Rangers Beast Morphers. Simon Bennett is New Power Rangers Executive Producer Would a Limited Series with the MMPR Cast Come to Netflix? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Evox would later be found out after an alteration with Robo Roxy where Grid Battleforce volunteers to be Mayor Daniel’s bodyguards. Gigatronics He would later take on the Red Beast Morphers Ranger & Captain Chaku by himself but is destroyed again by a combined attack from the Red Beast Morphers Ranger’s Beast X Saber & Captain Chaku’s Laser Blade. Blaze (Dark Avatar) Evox’s true identity revealed: S2 Episode 19 (Beast Morphers) He is ambushed however by the Red Beast Morphers Ranger, who fights him one-on-one. After falling out of favor with Evox, Robo Roxy would take desperate measures and scans DNA from the fossil of a Vultursaurus, a dinosaur discovered by Zoey’s Brother. However, it is revealed that Scrozzle survived this altercation and has resumed his place as Evox’s second-in-command and later builds Robo-Blaze & Robo-Roxy to serve Evox as generals. Venjix would be too much for the Beast X Ultrazord but after the Beast Morphers Rangers figure out his weakness is Human DNA, Venjix is destroyed for good by a slash from the Beast X King Megazord’s sword infused with Human DNA. Evox gains control of the Global Morph-X Network and Morph-X begins flowing from every tower in the world into Tower One in the heart of Coral Harbor. Robo Roxy (Plant Form) Curio is resurrected by Scrozzle using Ryjack’s Reanimizer. Wrench is resurrected by Scrozzle using Ryjack’s Reanimizer on his axe. However, this fails after the Cybergate is dismantled by Grid Battleforce and the robotic body becoming Steel, the Silver Beast Morphers Ranger. Blaze would later capture Devon after defeating him battle and would later fight him one of one in his personal zord after he is rescued by his teammates. Dino Charge / Dino Super Charge – Social Media, Zoey Reeves, Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger, Mighty Morphin Power Ranger/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. After Evox’s plans of creating the Chimerazord are set in motion, Goldar Maximus would later take on the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, Dino Rangers & Dino Charge Rangers but is destroyed by a blast from the Dino Power Ultra Blaster. Home; Database; Episode Guide; Cast & Crew; Toys; Message Board; Home > Power Rangers Zeo > Villains They would be used by the intergalactic criminal, Ryjack and would later be used by Evox’s Crew after Scrozzle steals his Reanimizer. Venjix was originally an experimental computer virus created by Dr. K at alternate Earth before accidentally released that he immediately infiltrated the said world's Internet system which resulting it evolved into an all-powerful A.I. Ranger Retrocenter. Ryjack's name is a play on hijack, which means to seize and reroute a … Scrozzle The Morph-X infused human DNA corrupts his systems and destroys Evox. Sledge would then fight the Red Dino Charge Ranger but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. Wrench Wrench would then fight the Pink Dino Charge Ranger but retreats after the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. However, his plans backfire after the Beast Morphers Rangers are able to regain control of the zord. However, they go back on this deal and fights the Dino Charge Rangers himself but retreats when the Beast Morphers Rangers arrive on the scene. Blaze Ranger's first scene in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.Blaze, Roxy, and Ravi are the first Chosen Power Rangers. However, Evox would require Morph-X to keep up his new human form or he would turn back into Evox. Vargoyle was a robotic villain who's an early creation of Scrozzle. Scrozzle is afraid of intimidating villains like Evox and a robotic creature named Vargoyle. Scrozzle would later come back on Christmas to trap the Beast Morphers Rangers in Christmas Ornaments and would later piloted Infernodrone to destroy Coral Harbor and is presumably destroyed after Infernodrone is destroyed by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode. Steel would attempt to destroy him with an Anti Virus Arrow developed by Nate & Doctor K, but has no effect and he is presumably destroyed by him.. After destroying Steel, he would merge with a Morph-X Tower to create his ultimate body. A. A-Squad Power Rangers. Evox absorbs data from the Morpher to fully repair himself. He is destroyed however when his personal zord is destroyed by a slash by the Beast Racer Zord Battle Mode. Goldar Maximus is then tasked with leading an army to obtains the Energems and successfully obtains four of them. The Gigatronics are giant robotic warriors used to assist Gigadrones in giant battles. Snide is resurrected by Robo Blaze & Robo Roxy using Ryjack’s Reanimizer on his sword. However, this backfires and he is destroyed by the combined efforts of the Beast X Ultrazord & Reptilobeast. Evox’s first attempt to return to Earth was to activate a Cybergate, built from technology stolen from Grid Battleforce and download himself into a robotic body built by Nate Silva. Scrozzle is very well versed in technology, creating a teleportation device to travel from the Cyber Dimension to Earth and creating robots like the Tronics, Robotrons & Gigadrones. The four Robotrons are destroyed by the Rangers (Infernotron shown destroyed by Red Ranger using the Cheetah Claws) (S2 Ep20). He would also use this new persona to develop the Beast X King Zord for his own nefarious purposes. After conquered most of alternate Earth, he has uploaded himself into a red light bulb at his army's fortress he us… Robo Blaze would later disguise himself as human Blaze in order to manipulate the Beast Morphers Rangers into capturing and imprisoning Evox in Grid Battleforce Headquarters. Robo Roxy (Dinosaur Form) However, it is revealed to be a trap and he is destroyed by a combined blast from the Beast Morphers Rangers. After obtaining specific technology, which includes a Neural Aligner and some tech from the Special-Ops Hangar, Scrozzle reveals his plans to free Evox by opening up a Cybergate and creating a corporeal body from parts he stole from the Special-Ops Hangar. Due to him being a robot clone, Robo Blaze can be resurrected if he is destroyed and is multiple times. The four Robotrons are destroyed (Spiketron and Slicertron shown destroyed by a burst of energy from Evox). Roxy is a Dark Avatar created by Evox from the original Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger candidate, Roxy who has the ability to transform into an evil version of the Yellow Beast Morphers Ranger.
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